Thread: taiwan article
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Old 29-08-2004, 04:46 PM
K Barrett
Posts: n/a

The point about trade not happening in a vaccuum is a good one. I'm sure
something along the lines of mutual rubbing of backs occurred.

I can't see where bringing in already potted plants makes economic sense.
They are so huge and bulky. You get so many more of them in a flask in a
much smaller space, no? Does it really cost so much more to finish them

*G* Well I guess it must, else this wouldn't be happening! LOL!

K Barrett

"Pat Brennan" wrote in message
It is naive to think you can talk about this subject without politics.

do not talk to me about strange bed fellows, the current administration is
calling the shots backed by a congress controlled by his party. The head

the Dept of Ag is a member of the administration's cabinet. Those are
simple facts.

It is also naive to think that allowing the importation of in pot plants
happens in a vacuum. Trade arrangements are made. 'You allow in pot
plants, we back off steel restrictions.' We do not see the deals, just


As for level playing field, the world is not flat. Government paid
construction costs and training, government sponsored low interest loans,
and tax free periods all put bumps (and mountains) on the field. As most

these imported plants will be shipped on government owned airlines, it is
not really even a single playing field. I expect moving $2B worth of in

orchids means an annual $400M business for the exporting countries'
national airlines. The Dutch have never consider the field level because

growers do not pay the same taxes on heating oil as charged on diesel

I have heard the Canadian government subsidizes natural gas for their
growers. It goes on and on.

As for Taiwanese plants, I would not get too attached to them. I expect
Taiwan's reign on the top will be a short one. The Taiwanese government

not the only government getting into the game. The Chinese government has
also made a commitment to orchids and plants are already starting to flow
out of that pipe line. I recently got an merriclone offering from the

land which undercut Taiwan prices by a larger percent than Taiwan undercut
domestic prices. Labor in Taiwan is $600 a month while in China it is

like $100 a month. As for China, they would do best to watch their backs.
Labor in Vietnam is more like $30 a month and I expect they will be

a larger role in the game over the next few years. I do not know

wage structure, but it seems that they are also about to get in the game

a big way as well.

"David Edgley" wrote in message
For the purposes of this newsgroup, I have no political inclination and
would appreciate others keeping politics out of the discussion.

However, if someone were propose intelligent reform of CITES as it

to orchids, I would be sorely tempted to abandon my position.


"J. Del Col" wrote in message
(janet_a) wrote in message

. com...
August 24, 2004
Orchids Flourish on Taiwanese Production Line

That's the way capitalism works, folks.

Free trade is the answer to everything; just ask George Bush.

J. Del Col