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Old 05-09-2004, 12:33 PM
Posts: n/a

Cereus-validus wrote:
Thank your lucky stars for coming out of your coma long enough to post some
irrelevant trivia for a long dead thread.

I read this thread inadvertanly while moving to another newsserver.
Irrelevant is a weired word concerning plants, but I already learned
here that you tend to be.. erm.. funny. ^^

Everyone else has moved on to other things long ago.

This newsgroup isn't *that* big to get lost in threads. If you do, you
should get yourself a bigger CRT..

We weren't talking about unusual European Apiaceae, we were talking about
Daucus carota growing in New Jersey.

You were talking about Apiaceae. In europe are the others also very
common, you find them everywhere.

In my garden, I see a lot of plants coming from around the world, they
got here without my doing. last month I made jam from mahony, which is
now growing everywhere. I would not be surprised if the same is over
there in the New Colonies. Heracleum mantegazzianum became a plague in
central europe now, many other foreign plants too - in my garden it was
eg. vigina creeper and, which is a really beast from hell: Oxalis
( This
Oxalis spread over all gardens and areas here the last few years and
destroys lawns and it is almost impossible to get rid of. If you like to
get killed by my ma, just say the words "red oxalis".. Anyone knows
what to do against this beast? The worst plantaginetea I ever had.

That's odd, you don't come across as "normal folk" at all.

I don't feel any special, do I?