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Old 19-09-2004, 03:23 PM
Franz Heymann
Posts: n/a

"Alan Gould" wrote in message
In article , Franz Heymann
Who is prepared to post some advice on lighting requirements?

Only to point out that you are proposing to substitute daylight,

is a fairly complex element, especially where plants are concerned.

Daylight has an extremely well known spectrum. It is also known quite
exactly which two wavelength regions of the spectrum are required for
photosynthesis. There are lamps which produce entirely acceptable
spectra for plant growth. In fact some of the fluorescent lamps are
better than sunlight, since they produce a better active light to heat

My problem is essentially to find out quantitatively how many lamps,
of what power, at what distance from the plants, to use.

may also need to keep an eye on ambient temperature and humidity,

plants are more sensitive to those things than garages usually


I agree. I intend to build a small enclosure of a few foot cube
inside the garage.
