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Old 25-09-2004, 08:12 AM
Peter Jason
Posts: n/a

It appears our little Troll-in-training has respect neither for his elders
nor his betters!

This trite little motor-mouth is so busy talking that there is no time for

Tsk! Tsk!

In his wanton youth the rod was spared, and the child spoiled. O the pity
of it...!!!

A few goods whacks applied with resolve would cure him pronto.

In the meantime I'll cure one of his too-numerous-to-mention neuroses: Vis:

A tree is a plant one can climb.

Now, wasn't that EASY...!!!

Shutup, listen and learn Cereus Serious Trollum Magnus est.

"Cereus-validus" wrote in message
The definition of a tree for Peter is something he usually wakes up under
after one of his all night benders!!!

So you say you are still getting acid flashbacks from the 60's? You really
are one hard core dead head!!!

You sure that wasn't actually Fat Freddie's cat you were getting that
lecture on while you were toking on that herbal bong?

(Too bad none of the European curmudgeons won't understand one word of

posting. They might have been too busy goose-stepping to the oldies at the

"Peter Jason" wrote in message
Curious. Just today I asked this question of a snot-nosed, unwashed,
dishevelled, smelly piece of street trash leaning agaist a post, and

gosh! I received a lecture on quantum mechanics (including the
Schrodinger's cat example) together with the applications to chemical

and Reimann geometry and the solution thereto! Clearly Cereus

Trollus Semper Est sure aint very street smart.

"Cereus-validus" wrote in message
That only goes to prove that using hits on the internet as a source

statistical data is INSANE.

That's almost as bad as asking people on the street advice on quantum

"P van Rijckevorsel" wrote in message
David Hershey schreef
Welwitschia is often referred to as a tree or dwarf tree, which


A tenuous line of reasoning!
Welwitschia (only) gives 14200 hits
Welwitschia plant gives 4270 hits
Welwitschia tree gives 3110 hits
Welwitschia car gives 2640 hits
"Welwitschia plant" gives 322 hits
"Welwitschia tree" gives 4 hits

Going by number of hits and by this line of reasoning the idea that
Welwitschia is a car is almost as likely as the idea that it is a


You might as well say that as 4/322 = 0.0124 that the idea that
is a tree has a presence well below the 5% border and is

not significant.

Actually the first listed hit for Welwitschia
has it pretty much right:
" The plant resembles a woody carrot. "