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Old 27-10-2004, 08:51 PM
Posts: n/a


The orchid was repotted in July. I would think that it would be well
established by now.

The roots are emerging from the outside part of the base of the plant,
not between two leaves. So, if I see something emerging from between
two leaves I should celebrate? :-)


On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 15:36:14 -0400, "Claude"

Hello again!

Blooming takes lot`s of energy for a plant.
If you just repotted the plant and cut some roots, the plant is busy
adapting to the new environment. The plants needs to establish it`s roots
before blooming.
Phals grow aerial roots to capture moisture and nutrients from the air. They
can grow roots and spike together if the plant is really happy.

A spike looks almost like the tip of the root except it`s flat instead or
round. Usually, spike emerge between 2 leaves.

My advice, if I may, would be to leave the plant for now since it`s getting
establish. For the bugs, I would try an alcohol spray and keep the plant
away from the others.


"Mike" wrote in message
.. .
| Claude,
| Why would the plant be in an active growing period? Shouldn't this be
| the time when the plant stops growing new leaves and roots and
| produces a spike?
| The white bugs (which I've only seem a few) are teeny tiny bugs that
| only crawl. I saw them on and around the new roots and on the medium.
| The orchid came in a small clear plastic pot which was embedded in
| bark inside a clay pot. I repotted the orchid into the clay pot which
| is 6" I think. The plant had a lot of roots. I clipped away the dead,
| mushy roots. The remaining roots almost completely filled the pot.
| Can a phalaenopsis grow roots and spike at the same time?
| What does a flower spike emerging from the base of the plant look
| like? The roots emerged from nodes (bumps) on the base of the plant at
| the same level where the old spike was cut.
| Any help would be much appreciated!
| Mike
| On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 14:49:17 -0400, "Claude"
| wrote:
| Hello!
| Here are my guess...
| Your day time temperature seems little bit too low! Most phal like to
| between 21C and 28C, although some like it hotter and some colder. But
| temperature drop at night seems too big. A difference of 10C between
| and nighttime would be better.
| The fact that the tip of your roots is getting reddish mean that your
| is in active growing period. That part is called apical meristem.
| About your bugs, can you describe them a bit better! Do they fly? are
| on the medium?
| Did you check the leaves? roots?
| Claude
| "Mike" wrote in message
| .. .
| | Orchid friends,
| |
| | My Phalaenopsis is growing two new roots and no spike yet! The plant
| | is extremely healthy and happy. It has 8 healthy leaves at the moment.
| | I am fertilizing it with 10-60-10 (Schultz Bloom Plus) to push it into
| | spike. I am even giving it the cold treatment at night for a few
| | hours. Day temps are about 22C/71F and night temps are about 8C/46F.
| | But there is no sign of a spike yet! I live in Southwestern Ontario,
| | so the plant should be producing a spike right about this time.
| |
| | The roots are pointy and about 0.5 cm in length. The tips are reddish.
| | I'm assuming they are roots since they are growing down.
| |
| | I also see tiny white and black bugs walking around. Which
| | insecticides are safe to use with an orchid?
| |
| | What am I doing wrong?
| |
| | Mike
| |
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