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Old 28-10-2004, 05:31 PM
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 08:36:40 -0400, Bellsouth wrote:

Any suggestions for getting rid of aphids? I would prefer a home made
solution, but if it takes a harsh one from the hardware store, I'll try
that. They are all over my gardinia and hibiscus bushes. Thanks in
advance. Sandy

Good day Sandy. I would suggest that you hose off the plants with a good
blast from the garden hose making sure to hit the undersides of the leaves
as much as possible. You will need to repeat this every few days for a few
weeks or so untill they are gone for good.
You may also choose to use safer insecticidal soap. This is rather benign
stuff which is made of potassium salts. The patassium salt is sprayed on
the soft body insects and the salt "sucks" the water out of their bodies.
Brutal but effective. Pyrethrin is also another option that you may choose
to use that isn't that bad to use. Pyrethrin comes from the pyrethrum
flower, it's rather stinky but it works.

Good luck with the bugs.......

Trees are like children, train them right when their young.....
or spend a lifetime trying to correct them.