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Old 31-10-2004, 09:18 PM
Posts: n/a

The so-called "babies" are the new plants. Wait until next spring to pot up
the offsets from your Aloe.

What in the freak is a "Climbing Shell plant" supposed to be? Is that
something Texas oil barons like to grow? Why isn't it called a "Climbing
Shell Bush"? Which catalog was that?

"junkyardcat" wrote in message
Happy Halloween from the Boonies of East Texas

Two questions for you...
I have an Aloe Vera plant that I bought from a yard sale this Summer. It

a tiny little thing, but since I transplanted it into a bigger pot, it's
gotten huge and has lots of baby plants growing out from it. Now, if I

to make new plants from those baby ones, how do I do it? Can you snip some
off and start a new plant from it?
Second question..I have a Climbing Shell plant I bought from a catalog.

sucker has gone nuts and is all over the place now! It's a beautiful plant
with purple shell looking flowers all over it. Now, if I want to take some
of it and create new plants, how would I do it? Just snip some off, or dig

whole plant up? If I want to cut it back a little, can I cut some of the
plant off without harming it?
Thanks for any info you can give me. I love to learn new things about