Thread: Is it scale?
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Old 02-11-2004, 07:05 PM
William Hill
Posts: n/a

dd wrote in message t...
I have two Brassolaelias, Yellow Bird and Petite Stars that have an odd
condition that I've been treating as scale, but now I'm not sure that
it is.

The leaves all look a healthy even green, but they have little tiny
bumps UNDER the top surface of the leaves, and the bumps are the same
color as the leaves. When the sun shines on the leaves, it looks as if
the leaves have emerging pimples.

First, I tried swabbing the leaves with rubbing alcohal and scubbing
with a toothbursh. No change. Then I sprayed them with Enstar. Still
there. Then I sprayed them with Othene and scrubbed. The bumps are
still there. Then I poked some of the large bumps with a needle and
looked at what was there through a jeweler's loupe--it looks like a
faintly whiteish blob. I cut out some of the most bumpy leaves. My
last act has been to use a systemic.

Do I have scale or something else? What should I next? Both plants are
in spike with mulitple spikes, and I have had both plants for more than
one year. I've looked in the AOS book "Orchid Pests and Diseases" and
am not seeing this symptom in the color photos. The black and white
photos are sort of useless.

Thanks for any help.

Hi, I would strongly suggest that you remove a piece of the affected
leaf and send it to your University (that has a good agriculture
program). In Florida it would be: University of Florida. You can go to
your local Agricultural Extension Agent for the address to send it to.
(Or phone them) If you have a serious problem, that's likely to
spread-- they can help you greatly. Most only charge a nominal fee &
it sure is cheaper than having it wipe out your collection. Good Luck,