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Old 14-11-2004, 05:45 PM
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 11:56:35 -0800,
(paghat) wrote:

Those of us who can see the obvious worry about all of America, not just
the ones who attend churches of bigotry. But they all too often just glory
in "ha ha! You don't have a president, we do!" Because Bush's #1 "moral"
agenda is to keep America divided, since a divided nation is one that
can't do anything about it as Bush Brother monitors even what we check out
of the library & whittles away at everyone's civil rights so that he can
continue to turn the nation over to multinational corporations who are
already making both domestic & international policy. The right may have
voted for him so he'll change the Constitution and make sure queers never
have equal rights, but even supposing he succeeds at that, to be able to
SMUGLY die of a treatable disease because you're po' white trash seems
small recompense.

-paghat the ratgirl

Sorry, paghat but you're wrong here. I generally have a lot of
respect for your opinions, but you don't really know a lot about Bush
supporters if you say these things. There are a lot of delusions
going around these days, but the fear of a right wing theocratic
fascist nation is one of the less credible ones going around.

But since I'm a Bush supporter I must either be outright evil, or
simply incredibly stupid and incapable of forming a rational opinion
on my own. It's too bad that issues can't be discussed these days
without fear, hate, and scorn but I've noticed that it seems to be OK
to be intolerant as long as you're "right". Its a shame since there
are a lot of problems in the world today and it will be difficult to
solve many of them using a line in the sand mentality.
