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Old 10-06-2005, 12:06 AM
Posts: n/a

I saw a perfect aponogeton madagascariensis yesterday and had the same
problem... not enough room.

My other problem is that the fish that are in there were inherited,
along with the tank, from a friend. Right now there are two LARGE
spotted gar in a 75 gallon with a lot of hygrophila, anacharis, some
swords, some bacopa (moneywort?) and one echinodorus harmannii sp?

Anyways... the gar have obviously got to go, I've been patiently trying
to find someone who will take them, and the person from whom I got this
aquarium for free said the gar must go to a good home (an honorable
stipulation?) I live in an apartment and move every few years, so a
second aquarium really isn't very convenient. So right now I'm building
a specimen refugium into a sump (20g long) that I'm building for my
open-front aquarium stand, which is also in the midst of being built.
This is going to also require that I inject CO2 since DIY + excel can
only go so far when you've got a sump exposing more water surface to
the air.

Anyways... just saying hi and I feel your frustration. Good luck!

- Andy