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Old 15-06-2005, 03:31 AM
Hound Dog
Posts: n/a

"Toni" wrote in message
[whining mode] New neighbors next door- to the west.
Their first week in they've cut down a *beautiful* 30 year old Black Olive
tree that shaded my entire front garden- full of shade plants. Anthuriums,
calatheas, ferns, teeny little gems that I had cherished for years in
containers before putting them in the ground.
That garden is only one year old- and now I am having to reorganize the
whole darn thing. Plants are wilting faster than I can transplant them.

And I thought our town had an ordinance against this sort of thing without
permit- guess that explains the city trucks I've seen stopping to take
photos of the stump three times now.
Would I be evil to hope they get fined?

And I know about Black Olive maintenance issues- I have one. But had they
bothered to live here a while before killing trees they'd have noticed
*we* always keep their walkways pressure cleaned- husband just can't seem
stop once he gets going.
Not feeling too good about my new neighbors right now. [/whining mode]

South Florida USA
Zone 10b

Perhaps your new next door neighbor wanted to have a beautiful sun lit lawn
with rose beds and other sun loving flowers as much as you wanted your shade

Perhaps he had to have the tree cut down by order of the city due to the
tree's root system damaging the sidewalks, street or sewer system.

Perhaps the tree was diseased and needed to be removed.

Or perhaps he just didn't like the tree!

Did you introduce yourself and let them know just how you felt about that