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Old 18-06-2005, 04:24 AM
Suzy O
Posts: n/a

No, meth labs, drug dealing, strolling prostitutes, and bums hitting the
streets when the liquor stores opens at 8::00 are a reality in many areas
where people also LOVE their homes. So then what?

Suzy O

"Ann" wrote in message
"Vox Humana" expounded:

As for moving next to you, it would be the last thing I would ever
I'm not worried about the homes of others. I just don't want
slobs, people operating meth labs, or acid-rock band rehearsals in my
neighborhood. I would be perfectly content if these things occurred in
neighborhood because even slobs and drug deals have to live somewhere. I
suspect that you would be a hideous neighbor, bitching about everything
bothered you. I would laugh if a pig farm moved next to you. Remember,
don't pay the mortgage or taxes so the stench would be none of your
business. One man's stench is another's junk yard. Enjoy.

Meth labs. Inconsiderate slobs. Nice. You are another one who
resorts to insults when you're losing your argument. I hope you learn
to be more tolerant of those who have different views than you do.
But I'm pretty sure you're incapable of it.
Ann, gardening in Zone 6a
South of Boston, Massachusetts
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