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Old 27-10-2002, 08:11 AM
Carol Russell
Posts: n/a
Default Ivy covered tree

I have a vague idea I saw it suggested once that you can take a cutting
from the adult flowering part and grow this into a shrubby fruiting plant
that doesn't put out climbing shoots. Is that correct, and if so could I
grow a few like this to add in an existing hedge? I'd like to include some
ivy somewhere for its food/shelter value and this seems an ideal solution.


Yes you can grow the fruiting part of the ivy (I call it tree ivy, I don't
know if this is correct). I have one, the blackbirds love it but so do wasps
and flies in late summer. I think I have seen it several times in the
background when gardening progs visit gardens. Beware though it does
sometimes send out juvenile growth from the base.