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  #7   Report Post  
Old 15-07-2005, 03:00 PM
Posts: n/a

What are you doing with the water you are taking our of the pond to lower
the depth? Could you not just take a trash can with netting in it, pump the
water into it an pull out the fry when they accumulate enough to matter
(have 2 cans that you switch the hose to on emptying)? Of course I'm always
hoping the predators get my fry since my pond is small enough that it can
only afford a small population.
P.S. Could you please not respond to the cross posting trolls. It only
encourages them and I get tired of blocking the new ones that keep showing
up when encouraged.

"Reel Mckoi" wrote in message
We've got the cement berm done. The cement pad for the settling tank is
also done. The shelves have been improved. All we need do now is replace
the carpets, quilts and then the rubber liner. The fence and net is last
course. Meanwhile the koi are doing great in the pool behind the house
have spawned twice. We will probably lose these fry because of the amount
of water involved, their minute size and the fact it will have to be
down to catch the parents. We'll save what we can.
McKoi.... the frugal ponder...
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