Thread: zuchinni dying
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Old 03-08-2005, 02:11 PM
Posts: n/a


I planted a couple of zuchinni plants this spring and they were
producing nicely. Then, within a couple of days, they were dead. I've
heard of a borer that might cause that but how can I tell if that's
what happened and how can I prevent the damage next year?

I've removed 5 - 6 of the little buggers. Look around the stem close to
the soil. If you have squash bore there will be a small hole then along
the stem there will be what looks like chewed up stem. It's hard to
explain the chewed up stuff so if I get a chance, I will post a pic on Take a sharp knife and carefully slit
from the hole until you find the bore. It will be white with a dark
brown head. Grab that critter out of there, toss it on the ground, and
stomp it until you get rid of any anger you might have Then
carefully cover the cut on the vine with damp soil. Keep an eye out for
any more. To prevent the squash bore next year I'm considering a mesh
cover for that raised bed. It would prevent the moth from landing to
lay the eggs that become the larva that causes the problem. I've used
fine mesh to successfully combat birds from eating sunflower seeds - I
only want seeds from one flower for next year. The birds can have the
rest. I've used fine mesh successfully on cabbage to prevent cabbage
worm too. I'm figuring the mesh will work good to prevent the squash bore.

A second possibility is mildew (?). The leaves get a powdery mildew on
them and if the infection is bad enough it will kill the plant. Signs
of this are yellowing leaves and visible greyish mildew.