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Old 11-08-2005, 08:43 PM
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Rogerx wrote:

On Thu, 11 Aug 2005 13:24:54 -0400, Penelope Periwinkle

On Thu, 11 Aug 2005 01:13:17 GMT, "Lois"

For the third year in a row my tomatoes and cucumbers are being destroyed
white flies. I've used Safer soap, Bayer Bug be Gone, and now Bonide Eight
Insect control. This last has helped but not completely rid the plants of
the bugs. It is expensive to use a lot. Does anyone know of anything I
could use next year before the first flies appear to prevent them from
any damage.

When I moved into the house I am in now, the white fly population was
out of control. No, really, out of control. There were so many of the
little buggers, that when they massed on my screen door at night, they
cast a shadow. One of my neighbors walked through her yard to her car
with a dust mask on because she was tired of having them get into her
nose and mouth.

I convinced the neighbors on either side of me to stop using
pesticides for a while, and I started buying and releasing lady bugs.
After the first couple of releases, there was a perceptible drop in
the white fly plague. The next spring, I started early, and we had
even fewer white flies that summer. The third summer I didn't have to
release any lady bugs, and we didn't have but a normal white fly

Okay!, I don't have a big problem with white flies, but I do want to
make a comment about the Lady Bugs. If what I call Lady Bugs, and
what you call Lady Bugs are the same- -Be Aware. For the last 4 or 5
years, in the fall of the year we have an onslaught of these
critters. They are small orange with black dots on them (that are
shaped like and old VW automobile). In the fall, after the first cold
snap, they start looking for a place to winter. Not only do they fly
but they also crawl--and they get into every thing. Not just a few,
but thousands and thousands. You go to your auto, and even with the
window rolled up there will be hundreds inside. All of your outdoor
light fixtures will fill up with them. I live in a rural area (lots
of fields and woods) in town, they are not quite as bad, but there is
plenty to go around. GIVE ME THE WHITE FLY, I can spray them.

Sorry for the negative comment, no offense intended. Rogerx.

Gather them up and SELL THEM on ebay!

You can make a fortune. ;-)

I'll pay you to send me a few hundred of them.



Sprout the MungBean to reply

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