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Old 31-10-2005, 07:08 PM
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Default Garden Yogurt, anyone tried it?

Just wondering would my veg taste of yoghurt... and is the yoghurt fat free?

Graham Hill
"michael adams" wrote in message

"Bob Hobden" wrote in message
Anyone tried this product?

read one good report in the KG but how about URGlers?

In Runnymede, 17 miles West of London

To paraphrase slightly, according to the website, gardenyogurt (£29.99
for sufficient to cover 500 square metres ) encourages those
in the soil which have the beneficial effects as listed. To wit


The functions of the friendly micro-organisms a-

Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen
Decomposition of organic wastes and residues
Suppression of soil borne pathogens
Recycling and increased availability of plant nutrients
Degradation of toxicants including pesticides
Production of antibiotics and other bioactive compounds
Production of simple organic molecules for plant uptake.
Solubilization of insoluble nutrient sources
Production of polysaccharides to improve soil aggregation


( From one picture it would appear that GY suppresses weeds as well)

However -


B.03.00: Introduction to Soil Microorganisms

There are billions to hundreds of billions of soil microorganisms in a
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
mere handful of a typical, garden soil. That single handful might well
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
contain thousands of different species of bacteria (most of whom have yet
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
to be classified), hundreds of different species of fungi and protozoa,
dozens of different species of nematodes plus a goodly assortment of
various mites and other microarthropods. Almost all of these countless
soil organisms are not only beneficial, but essential to the life giving
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
properties of soil.


Given that there is no scientific background given whatsoever,
and thus that this product doesn't appear to be based on any
breakthrough in isolating any particular group of beneficial
micro-organisms, and doesn't appear to have been subject to
field trials of any kind, a cynic might be led to believe that
a user would have as much success by using ordinary yogurt.

As to no 1 "Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen", it's well known that
the root nodule bacteria of legumes such as beans and clover
fix atmospheric nitrogen if left in the soil. Most of the other claims
"Suppression of soil borne pathogens" etc. are probably so vague as
to be incapable of being tested or "disproved". Given that this is
already a function of soil borne micro-organisms in any case. Despite
the fact that according to the website - " the eco system in your garden
and vegetable plot does become unbalanced by the weather, poor crop
rotation, continual planting etc." The weather eh? It's a wonder the
human race has survived this far at all, really.

michael adams
