Thread: Plant basics?
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Old 18-11-2005, 09:11 PM posted to rec.aquaria.freshwater.plants
Liz McGuire
Posts: n/a
Default Plant basics?

Thanks, Gail. I'm not so much looking for easy-to-care-for plants as
for whether or not I have these basic principles down right. If so,
then I know I'm headed in the right direction and can focus my
research accordingly - if not, I need to understand where I'm off and
correct course (so to speak).

But I do appreciate knowing what is working for you and that it can be



Gail Futoran wrote:

There should also be some online articles for
easy-care plants. I have those and don't do
any CO2 injection. One tank has only gravel
as a substrate. Plants do fine. Java Fern,
various Crypts, maybe a sword or two (I still
can't ID some plants!). Lighting is what came
with the hoods (flourescent), nothing extra.
I only use fertilizer in the tank that has a gravel
substrate and only about once a month; the other
tanks have Profile under gravel and get their
fertilizer from the fish. I have baby plants all
over the place.
