Thread: Cacti
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Old 08-03-2003, 12:08 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Cacti

If you had ever actually been to the desert southwest you would know what
truly stupid question you are asking.

Settle for a few native American trinkets and forget about getting live
plants that you will only kill out of total ignorance. Better yet, settle
for a wide screen TV and stereo system like everyone else.
Plants are living things and not inanimate decor accessories to be abused

yuppies with too much disposable income.

Thank you for that truly inspiring answer. You must have put a lot of
thought into it. I am sorry you felt my question was so stupid, but I do
thank you for pointing out my obvious shortcomings as a human being.

I am not a novice gardener, and I am hardly a yuppie with too much
disposable income (most weeks, like many of us, I am doing good just to make
ends meet). In the summer, I spend most of my time tending to my 1200 sq ft.
vegetable garden, 7 perennial beds, my pond garden, plus the annuals that
fill my back deck. In the winter, I tend to my indoor plants, which I
miraculously get to grow, and yes, even flourish. I do not abuse them, nor
do I consider them inanimate objects, as you have suggested. I do have quite
a few plants that will do well in low light conditions (Philodendron,
Dracaena, Aglaonema, and Aspidistra to name a few). They are all doing quite
well. Imagine that.

The cactus idea was just that, an idea, and I simply posed a question. I
have seeen cacti growing in low light conditions, and, although I realized
the answer would likely be no, I thought perhaps that there were possibly
some that grew well under those conditions. Perhaps the owners rotated them
between environments, as I do with some of my plants.

I have looked through your past posts, and I have found that these types of
answers are quite normal for you - snapping out sharp quips while offering
little or no help. I shall think twice before ever asking a question in here

Made In Canada, eh.