Thread: Frogs
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Old 25-03-2006, 09:49 PM posted to rec.ponds
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Default Frogs

Koi-Lo.... frugal ponding since 1995...
Aquariums since 1952
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Note: There are two Koi-Lo's on rec.ponds.
~~~ }((((o ~~~ }{{{{o ~~~ }(((((o
~ janj wrote:
On Fri, 24 Mar 2006 18:24:33 +0000 (UTC), (Richard Sexton) wrote:

They can claim her "unnatural" pond is creating a nuisance. It's little
different than having a neighbor with a barking dog.

I do like some of the ways you think. The neighbors that I assume
complained, have a dog... that barks.

Chirping frogs in the spring, that eat bugs are a nuisence, but cars,
motorbikes and what have you that make noise, consume expensive fossil
fuels we buy for a lot of money from the mideast, that also pollutes
like mad (to the detriment of aforementioned frogs ironically) are ok?

I used all that in my letter, about them eating MOSQUITOS, plus other bugs.

Tell them your plan is to buy a big SUV and to drive it a lot so
the emissions will eventually kill them off. Then alert the green people,
buy a local politoco a TV and let nature and politics take its
course. If I can refresh your memory, you saw an endangered frog
in your pond.

If I had all the money in the world, I might just let a lawyer take that
route, but I don't.s As far as the SUV, I drive a Prius. The neighbors
with the barking dog? A big honkin' Peepup truck. Which wakes my son when
they start it up in the AM. Go figure.

In my case, it isn't that my frogs kept these folks awake. Their bedroom is
on the opposite side of their house. We got the letter soon after they got
a big screen TV in the living room and the weather got nice enough to have
windows open. I think it affected their TV listening. And no these aren't
older homes, with thin windows, in fact most of their windows were upgraded
prior to moving in. So I assume, like ours, shut the window and the sound
is gone.

Otoh, the people behind me, who's bedroom practically overlooks the pond,
didn't complain. When I asked them about it, she did say that her and
another neighbor (next to the pond) were discussing how loud the frogs were
that year. Then she volunteered to call me about them, not to get rid of
them, just to decrease the #s. Unfortunately, she didn't call before I got
the CA letter.... and maybe that is just as well, since it probably took
some time for the letter to get put into action. If I'd lowered the volume
and then got the letter, I might have thought I had to remove all of them.

The most interesting thing, since I didn't know for sure who had contacted
the CA. I put out 16 letters to surrounding houses. I got back 12 positive
responses. I counted my two "lower the #s" neighbors as negative, so that
left only 2 others, one of which is kitty corner to me, sound blocked by my
house and their bedrooms are in the back, and no windows open to the front,
and I think they would talk to me first. That kind of whittled it down who
wrote the letter. ;-)

Course I love K30's idea. Write a letter apologizing about the frogs, that
2 big snakes have been turned loose to take care of the problem. Please
keep all pets and small children inside until you no longer hear frogs in
the evenings. This could take a couple weeks. Thank you, ~ jan

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Tri-Cities WA Zone 7a
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