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Old 16-04-2006, 10:14 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default Stuffing our environment

I have a company car which costs me nix to run but requires me to
drive for the job. I won't change the job so the gas goes with the car. If
things were different I would be driving a 20 year old merc run on waste
vege oil. Most people who have the option don't think of it.


as I said it's money. You are more than likely unable to change your job for
financial reasons/committments. You could tell the company that you don't
want their car and that they could pay you milage to run your old Merc, BUT,
they get a good deal from the Leasing Company to provide you with a car and
to pay you milage would be expensive for them, plus, with an old car, the
possibility of your unreliability and not earning your keep. Money issues
left right and centre there.

I organise reunions for ex service people and the company I use did have
their own coaches, nice big brand new all singing all dancing ones. They had
to be on the road to earn their keep. Not always possible, so the company
got rid of them and hire in. I was with the General Manager on Tuesday
finalising a reunion in Torquay next weekend. She just send an office email
to the coaching manager, '2 coaches Saturday Torquay to Exeter am return pm.
Sunday possible coach for sightseeing tour. Don't know how many, will notify
Friday night. Get them laid on' No capital expenditure for the company.
Money money money again

rob I am not argueing with you, I am 100% with you. I have a huge South
facing sloping roof and I live on the south part of the Isle of Wight. Water
in the garden hose laying around gets too hot for the hand. What could that
roof do for my water heating? Even in the winter, behind glass in my garden
room it is hot. BUT, money money money again, how long before I get my
investment back? ;-))))
