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Old 15-03-2003, 02:08 PM
Tsu Dho Nimh
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Default remodeling and people trampling plants

griffon wrote:

Just as bulbs are beginning to bloom and perennials are starting to
slowly poke up from the soil, I have had a herd of wild carpenters and
roof layers wandering around all over the place. Talk about
stressful. One man was working on the roof when he tossed a large
tool onto the ground and into the middle of an azalea... not one of my
favorites, thankfully. It broke half of the shrub off and skinned the
trunk fairly severely. I might relocate it to a quiet place somewhere
to let it slowly fill back out or die, whichever it prefers.

Do not stress it further by moving it ... just let it heal or die
where it is.

And talk to the roofing company about the reimbursement for the
damage they have done. They could have been more careful, should
have been more careful, and there are ways of protecting plants.

a dump truck
was driven over the brick edging around part of my circle driveway -
this was only done because the lazy driver did not want to back up a
few feet to get a better angle as he pulled out of the driveway.

Ask the contractor to replace what his lazy driver broke.

Now the roof is finished and the carpenters do not have much more to
do that will require them to be outside, but soon siding will be
placed on the house and that will be a whole new nightmare as they are
going to be wandering around the entire house, my one blessing is that
that my precious perennial bed on the north side of the house will be
fairly safe since the north wall of the house is solid brick.

Make it VERY CLEAR to the sidineg crew that the plants ARE NOT TO
BE HARMED. Talk with the contractor and tell him you have photos
of the gardens before, and that the "after" pictures better show
the same plants with no damage.


To doubt everything or to believe everything
are two equally convenient solutions; both
dispense with the necessity of reflection.
- Jules Henri Poincaré