Thread: whipper snipper
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Old 08-05-2006, 12:09 PM posted to aus.gardens
Geoff & Heather
Posts: n/a
Default whipper snipper

The best line I have found is the bulk "professional" line from Bunnings.
Comes in a limited ranges of sizes and colour coding is not the same
standard you normally find - you have to read the size labels. If you have
a large area like mine (about 1 hour to do all the edges) then a $70 roll is
worth it. Where as I used to take two refills of KMart cord to do the lot,
I get it done with less than one of the Bunnings stuff - and just over one
of the Husky line.


"Sandgroper" wrote in message
thanks for all your advice len. i'll check out the cc capacity of machine.
think it's a tap and go head? but you mentioning the tip of the line
is what i think hubby needs to practice. he bought the machine about 10
years ago and i didn't know we could get other attachments! it's done very
few hours work! thanks for all the time you've spent helping. much

"g len" wrote in message
g'day sandgroper,

the most common cause is users forcing the head too close, practise is
needed to only use the tip of the nylon to do the actual cutting, once
learnt the operator will be able to complete the task with minimum line

the other cause is if the head is an old one and the thimbles are badly
grooved, on my machine i can rotate the thimbles to share the wear.

using too light a line will give rapid wear rater, using too heavy a line
will over load the machine.

there is an art in using these machines to the best of their ability. i'm
also no fan of tap-n-go heads they are very wasteful of line and prone to
break-downs and wear from hard contact with the ground, my current
operated head is on it's second machine, and if need be will do another

practise to get the tip of the nylon doing the work.

With peace and brightest of blessings,


"Be Content With What You Have And
May You Find Serenity and Tranquillity In
A World That You May Not Understand."
"Sandgroper" wrote in message
Can anyone tell me what (my husband's) doing wrong with his Husqvana

snipper. The line is forever breaking. I'm sure he could get more use

it, but until then, he's doing lawn edges with handshears!!!
Appreciate any advice.