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Old 29-05-2006, 07:19 PM posted to rec.gardens
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Default "Wild" Pumpkin Vine Question

"Elaine" wrote in

Thank you for responding. It is in morning afternoon sun,
dappled middle of the day and judging by it's growth rate
seems to get getting enough light. I water it when I give
my real plants a drink. It is in very rich soil but a
little on the acid side probably. I know nothing about
growing Pumpkins. Can you fill me in on some simple facts
other than what I have listed I am doing?

sounds good to me. my soil is a bit acid too & it doesn't
seem to bother them.

How to fertilize and when? Some fruits have set now. Are
they similar to growing gourds?

almost exactly the same. if you save your gourd seeds for
next year, you might want to make sure your pumpkin is far
away from them. they easily cross pollenate.
i toss llama poop on my pumpkin hills every 2-3 weeks. they
are heavy feeders.

I have some birdhouse gourd vines I am growing now but
other than a few tomato plants, I am not
much of a veggie gardener.

my birdhouse gourd seeds didn't sprout. i need to try another
batch. leftover seeds sometimes don't work...

As for my brother thinking it will stay green...who knows.
Probably from something he read at sometime. He is a bit of
a trivial nut

maybe because many "volunteer" pumpkins get a very late start
& so fail to ripen? i have some volunteers in my garden i want
to move to the pumpkin end of the garden. thier parent was a
sugar type... & i'm actually amazed my chickens left any of
the seeds.
one other thing that may help is to pinch out the growing
tips of the vine at the end of July. that gets the plant to
put more energy into ripening the fruit set already, instead
of setting more.
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