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Old 26-07-2006, 01:03 PM posted to austin.gardening
BJ in Texas BJ in Texas is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 7
Default Walking Sticks - Dangerous or not?

marcesent wrote:
|| "OmManiPadmeOmelet" wrote in message
|| ...
||| Either that or what attacked him were not walking sticks.
||| I have a close friend that was attacked as a child by a
||| swarm of locusts. She had bites all over her. She's been
||| terrified of large grasshoppers
||| all of her life since that incident.
||| I've seen some pretty big grasshoppers.
||| Your dad also could have been telling a tall tale. ;-)
||| No offense meant.
|| None taken. As I said though, I do remember seeing it - I
|| was 15 or so at the time. I was out in the driveway with
|| him. He was trying to "sweep" the critter off the driveway
|| with the shovel (that was the tool he had been using, he had
|| no intention of harming with it) and the thing kept coming at
|| him. And it looked like a walking stick, not a locust or
|| grasshopper.
|| My mom was there too, she was a bit freaked out! She
|| remembers it, but I definitely think her version gets a bit
|| "colored" with her high anxiety at the time.
|| I should send an email to A&M and ask them if it's possible
|| from the sticks to get aggressive when disturbed when
|| nesting. My main concern in asking this is my daughter, my
|| neighbor's dogs (miniature greyhounds - love to get into the
|| garden), and gardening with my bare hands and while barefoot.
|| But it's not a big worry.
||| I've played with many a walking stick as I find them to be
||| rather fascinating. So far, no harm, no foul.
||| --
|| You're much braver than me! But I have maintained a healthy
|| curious respect for them. It's funny, my Bachelor's from A&M
|| is in Wildlife Biology - aquatic biology and herpetology.
|| I've handled more snakes and lizards and frogs and
|| traditionally "creepy" things without batting an eye - I find
|| them fascinating. But I couldn't bring myself to study
|| insects, and definitely can't touch them. Aren't phobias
|| weird?
|| But they get to live in my home too, and I hope they stay
|| happy. It's nice to see critters that the fire ants haven't
|| driven out or eaten.
|| Julie

You have been watching too many giant bug movies....

"Fear is the parent of cruelty." -- James Anthony Froude