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Old 17-08-2006, 08:37 PM posted to alt.atheism,alt.religion.christian,rec.gardens
Chris Johnson Chris Johnson is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 2
Default And some people say there's no God..........

Victor Faraday wrote:
"Dan J.S." wrote in message

My dad, who is a chemical engineer, had a hard time believing in God. Then
he started studying quantum physics, and other complex sciences (he has a
PhD). He has turned extremely religious. Claims there is no way that
'accidents' created the things that he studies - especially things on
atomic levels. As a matter of fact, this is not so uncommon amongst

I've got an undergrad degree in physics myself, and I concur. Religion
is not science and never will be. It is far beyond that.

They somehow get a lot more religious the deeper in science they get.

Fantastic design without designer is a harder thing to buy into than
belief in an Almighty alpha and omega. These atheist types are
trying hard to reply in clever & witty ways,

Too bad you wouldn't answer the replies. Again: assuming a designer,
how do you derive Christian theology?

but they remind me
of hayseeds who see priceless works of art as miscellaneous
smearing of paint on a canvas.

Acknowledging paintings as smearings on canvas does not detract from
their beauty.