Thread: Trophy Ideas
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Old 13-10-2006, 07:35 PM posted to rec.gardens.orchids
Diana Kulaga Diana Kulaga is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 589
Default Trophy Ideas

Most of our vendors make donations for a trophies, and many of our members
do the same. Even some commercial growers who do not participate in the show
send raffle plants and/or trophy donations. Names of the trophy sponsors are
listed in the program and are prominent on the certificates, so they are
properly recognized.

For award classes, we have the usual "Best of" categories. Commercial
growers are in a separate category from hobbyists. We also have a Society
class for 100 sf floor displays, table top class for 30" square tables,
niche box class for cut flowers in a 4" x 8" space, and a category for 6' x
30" table tops installed by vendors. All vendors install these displays.
Last year we had 12 vendors, and between their displays and all the rest the
room was breathtaking.

We also award a President's trophy and an AOS trophy.


"Susan Erickson" wrote in message
On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:17:04 -0400, "Pat Brennan"

Limit hardware to hobby growers and use money saved to help defray the
of AOS awards granted at the show. One show gave bottles of wine--a great
prize in my book, but some members complained.


Our local glass artist did orchids on the wine glasses for the banquet
and bottle with glasses for the trophys at the 2004 AOS show in
Denver. We were going to have him do the mini slabs called Ice cubes
or something like that - -- ;^ ( He quit the glass business end of
last year. We could not find anyone local and the online were even $$

I would love your source Rob. Please lets get some good ones.

We printed a program this year and asked all the local florists and
nurserys that have a nitch of orchids to provide cash for trophys - We
got 5 to send checks. That pays for our exhibit trophys. - almost.

The best of we are using gift certificates from the show vendors -
they were at least 1/2 donated.

Our exhibit classes are not on square foot of your exhibit -- but how
you grow - lights, window, gh, art, education, novice, professional
(commerical & Botanical Gardens), group (2 or more, not same
household), and society.

So what are trophy classes for your shows?