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Old 08-11-2006, 05:02 AM posted to aus.gardens
Farm1 Farm1 is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 735
Default Water restrictions and gardens

"Chookie" wrote in message
"Farm1" please@askifyouwannaknow wrote:

:-)) I had to smile at that one. Sydney has been getting

lots of rain. Not in the catchment of course but over many of


Not really. It has moisten the mulch/topsoil, but isn't really


Well that's not what the TV weather reports have reported. Lots

decent falls for months while the country has had sod all.

Hmph. It's true we had the wettest winter since 1999, according to

Bureau, with 403mm.

You lucky buggers! :-))

The problem is that even though June was cold, the temps
in July and Aug were above average (though the Aug rainfall was

Then September's rainfall was high, but we also had the hottest Sept

followed by the hottest and driest Oct ever. And that hot September

had the
August winds in it, too! The extra rain arrived at the right time

establishing vegies, but of course it then evaporated.

IOW, it's the same here as everywhere else. The climate is hotter


But you've at least had rain. That record rainfall hasn't happened
elsewhere in NSW (except for record low falls).

We do get more rain here, but it's less than we used to get between
El Ninos. We also don't get persistent rain much: it's much more

showery and
intermittent than it used to be.

I think that applies everywhere these days.