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Old 08-11-2006, 05:51 AM posted to aus.gardens
Terryc Terryc is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 149
Default Water restrictions and gardens

Farm1 wrote:

Have you tried the old water in the hole and leave for a day trick?

Thisa is exactly what I have just done. Clumps nicely and lifts out with
the manual hole digger. Finished the hole, Just looking for the pole and
bits to cement into it. Also need to work out what lugs and stuff to
weld on it before it goes up.

It also has to be guyed at it will be 5m up with only 500mm of concrete.
It is actually to fit on the corner of my garden bed for leg protection,
plus a few other mickey mouse stuff like replace webcam(s).

I'm debating whether I should install a bird house, but figure that can
be added later {:-).