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Old 10-12-2006, 03:11 PM posted to rec.ponds
Zebulon Zebulon is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 351
Default Attn: true rec.ponders -brief update for 12-3 -from george

"Gill Passman" wrote in message
Zëbulon wrote:

Sorry Gill but I have a reason for changing it. I'm not trying to
deceive anyone.

I can see no valid reason for changing your nym especially when this type
of discussion is going on - other than to create confusion

I'm sorry if YOU can't see it - I and a few others can see it very well. I
sent Jan the reason I changed it.

If you sent me an e-mail I did *not* recieve it.

I certainly did not reply to your email....I did receive an email from
someone saying they were you but not from an email address that I
recognise as being one of yours....either you are forgetting which nyms
you use to talk to people or someone was forging you....anyone, who mails
me from an address I don't know ends up right away in my trash can....if
it was you I think you rather proved the mixed up Ids and nym shifting

Then it was a FORGERY because I always sign my e-mail with my given name
which is Carol.

I would have no reason on a moderated group to change my NYM.

Ther is no reason to change it on an unmoderated group - especially if you
then go ahead and advertise that you have done it on that unmoderated

There is a reason.

and especially at a time when discussions are going
on as they are right now....I cannot even start to imagine the benefit to
you by moving away from Koi-Lo

You wouldn't, since you probably either have some trolls killfiled or your
reader is missing messages.

Impersonation? Wasn't that the reason I refused to go along with you
people to start with? Remember? I told all of you all I could never pull
off coming back with a while new persona - to pretend to be a whole
different person.

So why nym shift now???

I explained it to Jan last night. Why are you giving me the 3rd degree but
say nothing to the other poster here who NYM shifts constantly?

To someone who has already posted pretending to
be someone other than Koi-Lo - posts on the abortion groups (your
perogative) and in fact is using a nym of an established poster in
Germany....beyond me....

I have no idea who else may be using the same NYM or where they're from. I
don't dumpster-dive people - do you?

If you had any interest in resolving this mess without things going
moderated you would have done so....

What would I have done? Run away because of a few vicious trolls? Gone
away and try to sneak back as someone else as you asked me to do and hope
the trolls didn't recognize me. How stupid do you think they are? Why even
ask someone to do such a thing? And by GOD, you turned on me when I refused
to try and pull such a stunt off. Get real Gill - you tried to manipulate
me by *pretending* to be my friend. I knew who was behind it all. Most, if
not all of them weren't even from rec.ponds. You yourself were not from
this NG, but the Aquarium groups. When I refused to try and pull off this
plan you all come up with, you turned on me like a dog - just like I
suspected you would. Just like I was warned you would. You're right Gill, I
did trust a few of the wrong people........

right now if you truly back
moderation then good....time will tell if you actually will post on a
moderated group....

And tell us Gill,... why wouldn't I - since I've posted here on rec.ponds
for 10 years? For someone not even from this NG why all the sudden
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