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Old 29-12-2006, 09:46 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Charlie Pridham Charlie Pridham is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 412
Default OT Outlook Express

"Sally Thompson" wrote in message
On Thu, 28 Dec 2006 19:41:45 +0000, Phil L wrote
(in article ):

Charlie Pridham wrote:
Way off topic but this is driving me nuts!
Having huge problems with connecting to pop3 mail servers (not just
one particular one). and its affecting both computers.
Anyone who has any thoughts on what can suddenly cause this and what
to do about it, I would be delighted to hear from them!
Sending emails and newsgroups are unaffected.
I have tried deleting and redoing the accounts, this is the error
message I get. (the fault is constant on this account, but
intermittent on another)

The host '' could not be found. Please verify that
you have entered the server name correctly. Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol: POP3,
Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number:

Having read your replies to other posters and ruled out the obvious ones
like firewall and antivirus, along with incorrect user/pass, there

one other possibility and that is a corrupted email on the server, if

have a webmail facility on your ISP's homepage where you can log in

than go through outlook express, you can delete anything in there that

be causing the problem and try again, if you don't have a webmail

then you can telnet in, which is slightly more complex, and delete any
offending articles which may have 'blocked the pipe' as it were.

Or you can check most (all?) email accounts through mail2web: which is very useful for unblocking a rogue

Just type in your email address and password to check your mail from

in the world.

Sally in Shropshire, UK

I have now used the server number and received all the back log messages. I
can use web mail and was able to access my account that way the whole time.
I did not realise that a blockage could occur and will bear it in mind in
the future. I normally use mailwasher but that was also being blocked with
the normal server name.
Many thanks for all your help.

Charlie, gardening in Cornwall.
Holders of National Plant Collections of Clematis viticella (cvs) and
Lapageria rosea