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Old 06-01-2007, 05:41 AM posted to aus.gardens
meeee meeee is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 196
Default Crows stealing pebbles

"Jonno" wrote in message
meeee wrote:
Yeah, before you're married might put him off, so just use something
light like a broom until you've got him all legally bound.

"Jonno" wrote in message
Yeah,but thats after youre married.

"meeee" wrote in message
Well, the obvious approach would be the good old frying pan over the
head. Or the rolling pin, depends on personal taste.

"Jonno" wrote in message
You women are so subtle these days...

"meeee" wrote in message
LMAO....hmmm might be a plan...

"Jonno" wrote in message
Unless you dont want him back either!!!!
"meeee" wrote in message
"Jonno" wrote in message
Cynthia wrote:
Damn goes to show, crow bait is availalble. No one would have
Here am i writing about sticks and stones. Stone the crows....
Mmm talking about bait, I may try scattering some pebbles around
that area of the yard and put a balloon on a string near the
pebbles. Next, place some drawing pins between the balloon and
myself, then pull string when crow is conveniently close. Watch
crows face when balloon bursts. I'm sure the neighbours already
think I'm potty, so it won't make much difference.

I'm tired of running outside and they see me approaching now. My
husband couldn't be bothered anymore after the first few runs.
Had a go with a short burst on the hose but other than there
being a hose pipe ban on, it doesn't reach as far as I'd like it
to and there's an obstacle in the way. The crows have also
spotted my hand reaching for the hose just outside the door and
they fly off before I can get the pleasure of squirting them.

Next stop dynamite.

Simple, put some strands of fishing line where they steal their
diamonds. Flying into invisible fishing line un nerves them and
they wont be back.
Just make sure hubby knows the fishing line's there too...

And smile a lot to keep 'im of gaurd, e mite efan like domination

Most women's ideal hubby