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Old 28-01-2007, 10:32 AM posted to aus.gardens
Jonno[_6_] Jonno[_6_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 183
Default chookie wrote - was: FYI- water crisis story link:

Jen wrote:
"meeee" wrote in message

"Jen" wrote in message

"gardenlen" wrote in message

sorry about that but this message was not showing through the bigpond
server so i dragged it from the google interface.

yes i get that a lot "how can home design help?" it can help a lot and
a whole heap more than not designing can. just for a very lot of
people thinking outside the square and outside the comfort zone blocks
lateral thinking on the subject matter.

so i colder areas you design and build a home that needs minimum
heating because that is the major part of the season so then adding
some cooling isn't as bad and design can also minimise the cooling

But summer is generally 'very' hot, with the occasional snow, flooding
and many very cold days. And winter is generally 'very' cold with snow
etc, but occasionally has warm days. I can understand building houses to
suit hot climates, or very cold climates, but Australia has both. What
about central Australia, they have super hot days, but super cold nights.


Oh, well ,if we do bugger the planet up completely and have to move to
Mars, central Aussies will be right at home....


Hey we dont know if previous civilisations already buggered Mars do we?
Maybe were all martians. You bug eyed monster you.....