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Old 10-02-2007, 10:58 AM posted to aus.gardens
loosecanon loosecanon is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 256
Default Fragipani cuttings

"Peter" wrote in message
thanks meeee
mine has pink and white petals with a yellowish core in them

I took 4 cuttings and have em out in the sun now . hope it works
meeee wrote:
Hi Pete....technically do everything Bronwyn said. However I'm Fangipanni
mad, and have an embarrassing (to family and friends) tendancy to hack
bits off vulnerable frangipannis (not from people's gardens of course) at
any time. I let them dry out, whack into some well drained potting mix
and voila! Of course, you'd have a higher chance of the thing surviving
if you did it properly, but I believe the most important bit is to let it
dry out/callous over for a week or two first, then make sure it's not
waterlogged. Our Big W also had some recently, Darwin Sunrise being the
one I bought, as it's a lovely deep red with yellow centre and slightly
ruffled petals...might be worth a look!

"Peter" wrote in message
Good luck with your cuttings. Take a photo of your tree, just in case
the cuttings don't make it and keep in touch, because who knows what
colours the seedlings I bought on eBay will be, the expensive one
'should' be deep red because that's why I paid all the $$$'s.
thats a really good idea i might just do that
They are a 'beautiful' flower and perfume, aren't they? Just divine
in the evenings.
i got to say i am not too enamoured with the tree its self but the
Flowers are great, especialy with my pond benath it, when the fall inot
the water they look great


I used to do the drying of the stems but found I lost a few. Someone told me
to wrap them in newspaper and dunk them in a bucket of water. 100% success
and better root systems. This is better for pinks and reds as they seem to
have a different sort of stem to the whites and tricolours that grow in the
temperate zones.

Anyways my 2 bobs worth.

