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Old 11-02-2007, 04:48 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
La Puce La Puce is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,423
Default Grow Your Own Veg - yesterday

On 11 Feb, 16:29, "Keith \(Dorset\)"
She looks exactly like the women who used to inhabit Greenham Common Peace
camp in the 1980s.

These wimmin happen to be my best friends )

I don't have a problem with them, her, or even how she sounds (although her
voisce does grate on my southern ears). I am just annoyed because I really
wanted to learn about growing pumpkins and squashes!

OK. What do you want to know that you don't already know Keith?
Honestly, I just don't understand!

When that title came up at the start of the programme I said to myself: that
sounds interesting and different - but how on earth are they going to fill a
whole programme like this with it?

I'm waiting for the repeat tomorrow eve, but from your post I guess it
was around halloween. Can't wait tomorrow now.

It transpired that there was virtually nothing about 'growing' in the whole
episode. Halfway through the prog. I began getting so irritated by Carol's
continued 'yummy' expressions that I almsot switched the box off. I decided
to hang on however, to see what I could learn from the rest of the
programme. All I saw was families around a bonfire.

Perhaps you've got a point - there's lots of yumyum sounds. You ought
to eat with my entire family in the summer - you'd go mad! Reminds me
when I work for the radio, I once edited all the 'yum' 'slurps' 'in
breath' 'loose denture's noises' and put them all together on one
tape, for fun. I bet the Tippett(*) duo would have loved my
'music' ;o)

(*) Now let's see how many of you knows about them ;o)