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Old 09-04-2007, 03:12 PM posted to rec.ponds.moderated
drsolo drsolo is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2007
Posts: 97
Default Anti-Frog People Strike Again

I used to net Saw-Whets in fall at the field station (for banding). They
are the cutest little owls on earth. They had to pat met down before I left
to make sure I wasnt trying to smuggle one home.

well some people pay bocu bucks for their "nature sound" machine so they can
get to sleep. I think some people are miserable and like to spread their
misery around. Ingrid

"Derek Broughton" wrote in message
. Every year except last year
we've had Saw-whet owls. Saw-whets emit a 1/2 second "G" about every 1 or
2 seconds (like katydids, frequency seems to be related to temperature).
They could get on your nerves, I guess, but last year I didn't hear a
single one, and I miss them.