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Old 27-04-2007, 02:16 AM posted to rec.gardens
Jangchub Jangchub is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 683
Default Four Main Factors Causing High Cholesterol

There is no cholesterol in anything other than meat of any kind or
dairy of any kind. I laugh my ass off when I see a bag of chips which
says, no cholesterol. Grass has none, corn has none, only the cows
they grind up and feed BACK to the cows have cholesterol...and mad cow

On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 19:58:13 GMT, "DWW" wrote:

Where do you think the cholesterol in herbivores comes from in the first
place? It sure isn't from their diet. I.e. you can eat no meat or dairy
and still have high cholesterol.

"Jangchub" wrote in message
.. .
On 26 Apr 2007 10:04:25 -0700, Frank wrote:

On Apr 26, 6:40 am, Jangchub wrote:
Stop eating meat of all kinds, lower dairy intake, increase fiber and
soy and amazing things happen. I haven't eaten any meat of any kind
in years and my cholesterol combined is 145 and I'm 51.

My cholesterol was 202 with favorable ratio when I had unstable angina
and had to have a 90% blocked artery opened with stents. Besides
heart healthy diet which means all of the above, red meat (max. 4 oz.)
is restricted to twice a week, fish twice a week and rest chicken,
turkey or meatless. Low salt, low fat which means avoiding processed
meat like lunch meat and hot dogs. My diet is working and I'm losing
that belly fat which is said to be active in causing artery blockage.
Also on Lipitor.

The only thing which has cholesterol comes from an animal. Whether it
be their fat, muscle, whatever. Stop meat you will be off Lipitor
most likely.

There are such good substitutes now. Morningstar has a product which
is like bbq riblets. They are great, even my husband likes them.
Also, tons of varieties of soy burgers. I like Boca Burger Flame
Grilled. I'll never eat any animal again and working toward
eliminating eggs and dairy as well.