Thread: Blue Heron
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Old 27-06-2007, 10:06 AM posted to rec.ponds.moderated
~ jan[_3_] ~ jan[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2007
Posts: 1,503
Default Blue Heron

No need to go on Jan. You never saw a pond "correctly" netted.

I have seen many a pond "correctly" netted, thankyouverymuch. President of
my club has her whole back yard netted using the top of her 6 foot fence
and wire cables. When I say correctly though, I mean a pond that is still
easy to get to and not net blocking the view.

As far as leaves in the pond with a sprinkler, easily taken care of with
skimmer, or skimmer net. True Fall is a whole different discussion, and too
early in the season to go there.

I can understand that if you don't have all these predators where you live. Some
of us are coping with a lot more than an occasional heron.

But we weren't trying to solve your problem. That's what gets me, someone
asks for suggestions, and if anything other than a net is suggested you
jump all over it in the negative. Give them the positive about your
solution, and let me do so also. Thank you, ~ jan
Zone 7a, SE Washington State