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Old 08-07-2007, 05:03 AM posted to
K Barrett K Barrett is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
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Default What are you doing? from RGO

Answering myself, the record AFAIK set by a mastiff, which it doesn't sound
like Bambi was one...

"K Barrett" wrote in message
Might be a dumb quetion but isn't that some sort of a record? 18 pups in
one litter?


"tennis maynard" wrote in message
John Varigos wrote:
Al, yours is the nightmare. 13 pups!! I am having enough to do with 6.
Can't imagine what 13 would be like.

A pregnant dog I fostered a few years back had 18 - I had thought she had
been ready to whelp for two weeks at least she was so huge ( I didn't
acquire her til then, when she was discovered at the nearby park by the
conservatory staff too weak from hunger and dehydration on a 95 degree
summer day to crawl 20 feet to water), but it turned out she just had
waaay too many puppies in her. One's lungs weren't developed and it
passed away the next night but Bambi (What I called her for she looked
like a little deer and she was a little dear) and I got the rest all
healthy and fatttened up til about ten weeks old when a great local dog
rescue group found homes for ALL of the pups and shortly thereafter,
Bambi, too (whom I would have kept except for the fact that my baby girl,
a shar-pei named TiPring, would not tolerate other females as she had
been repeatedly attacked by others when younger). It was a lot of work
but a lot of fun. I loved just sitting on the kitchen floor with my back
propped against a cabinet and letting them crawl all over me. I do love