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Old 15-08-2007, 04:52 PM posted to rec.gardens,rec.gardens.edible
Billy Rose Billy Rose is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2007
Posts: 951
Default While Rome burns ethanol....

In article
William Wagner wrote:

In article ,
"cat daddy" wrote:

Let 'em eat powdered cellulose...

Prices for key foods are rising sharply

"Meeting with economic writers last week, President Bush dismissed
several polls that show Americans are down on the economy. He expressed
surprise that inflation is one of the stated concerns.

“They cite inflation?” Bush asked, adding that, “I happen to believe the war
has clouded a lot of people's sense of optimism.”

But the inflation numbers reveal the extent to which lower- and
middle-income Americans are being pinched.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics said in its June inflation report that egg
prices are 19.5 percent higher than they were in June 2006. Over the same
period, according to the department’s consumer price index, whole milk was
up 13.3 percent; fresh chicken 10 percent; navel oranges 19.8 percent;
apples 11.7 percent. Dried beans were up 11.5 percent, and white bread just
missed double-digit growth, rising by 9.6 percent.

These numbers get lost in the broader inflation rate for all goods and
services, which measured 2.7 for the same 12-month period. Across the
economy, rising food prices were offset by falling prices for things bought
at the mall: computers, cameras, clothing and shoes."

Anyone got a recipe for boiled shoe soup?

How about a Cuban?

1 loaf French bread
Dijon mustard
1/4 pound thinly sliced ham
3/4 Pound old shoe preferably stinky
4 slices Swiss cheese
Kosher dill pickles, sliced
Butter, for grilling

Slice the bread in half lengthwise. Spread one half with mayonnaise and
the other with mustard. Layer the ham and Swiss cheese on 1 half of the
bread. Layer the pickle slices over the cheese. Top with the other bread
half. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, heat enough butter to
coat the cooking surface. Place the sandwich in the pan and weight with
another heavy pan or a brick wrapped in foil and grill until the cheese
is melted. Cut the loaf to make 4 sandwiches.

You may want to hold the stinky shoe especially if made in China.

Bill whose Dad love's these.

The less adventurous may want to serve the shoe on the side (of the
