Thread: Planting now
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Old 31-08-2007, 04:02 AM posted to aus.gardens
Chookie Chookie is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 301
Default Planting now

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"FarmI" ask@itshall be given wrote:

Planted some Painted Lady beans today to make up for all the peas that
never came up :-(

Didn't you have trouble with Scarlet Runners last year?

Nah, few years back. I think climbing beans should either be planted in early
spring or late summer, so I'm trying them now. I can plant dwarf beans right
through summer.

PLanted punnets of tomatoes, chillies, eggplant and capsicum, and perilla.
Will put them in my mini-greenhouse to encourage early germination.

And I crawled around the back yard pulling up bindies :-/

Front yard has heaps more bindies...

I have lots of lemons. Silver beet and beetroot are doing well.

Our beetroot was a total failure this year :-((

Is it too late to plant more? It's an all-year plant in Sydney.

Mmmmm, summer vegies...

Chookie -- Sydney, Australia
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