Thread: Oooops!
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Old 10-09-2007, 08:23 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
'Mike' 'Mike' is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 1,407
Default Oooops!

"Anne Jackson" wrote in message

Yes I do lecture :-)) On my experiences and also teach :-))

I find it a trifle ironic that someone who is a failed businessman
should lecture others on how to run their business...

You don't pay attention do you?

There is a difference between a failed business, a failed businessman and a
business which has failed due to outside influences.

I was neither of the first two, and it was only when Thatcher tried to bring
the country to its knees, just as Hitler had tried some 40 years earlier but
failed whereas Thatcher nearly succedded, which caused my business to go
under just as she caused thousands of others to go under.

Now THAT is one of the things I lecture on and one of the aspects I bring
into any company I am giving advice on. "Watch outside influencea" There is
a Fable that has been going around for years, it was actually used in
Business Studies at College, about a Supermarket causing a Nursery to go
under because said Nursery only had that one Supermarket as a customer. "All
its eggs in one basket". I heard that well before I took my second factory
and made sure that I had plenty of customers. BIG customers. BT., Sony, GEC,
Plessy Radar, to name just a few, but when THEY start to go down, there is
not much hope for the 'small' man and with only 2 factories and a staff of
23 devoted women, there was not much hope for this 'small' man.

I hope that you can, or WANT to, understand that :-))

Oh my the way. You're a liar. Just thought you would like me to point
out. I don't like liars and those who swear. :-))

I have NEVER lied, or knowing misled anyone! Would that YOU could say
the same.

I haven't bothered to look back, but I was under the impression that you
weren't going to respond to my postings again. Having responded with your
usual tirade, I am afraid that it's "Egg on face" time for you yet again

Silly Girl :-(

Now **** off, off my screen... I've read more of your shite
than I ever meant or wanted to!

Well that puts you in the gutter with others already there. There is no
excuse for foul language and as I told a once net nanny on these newsgroups
who was also 'high and mighty' until a reported incident with other men in
the Gent's toilet saw him take himself off, swearing is a sign of the lack
of comprehension of the Queen's English.

Do YOU have such a 'skeleton in the cupboard', Mrs High & Mighty?

I trust you will make yourself comfortable in the gutter.



Kindest possible regards


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