Thread: yEnc
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Old 19-10-2007, 03:11 PM posted to
Wolf Kirchmeir[_2_] Wolf Kirchmeir[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2007
Posts: 31
Default yEnc

It is not an odd format. If you use a news reader program, you will find
there are many benefits. The yEnc is actually a compression program offering
less upload and download time. A news reader will allow you to decode it
automatically. A good one is News Rover. Do a Google search on News Rover
and you will learn a lot. It is cheap software and very good.


Well, Art, I don;'t mind yEnc posts, but theer is a problem which you
may not be aware of.

It's this:

There are many variations of yEnc and yEnc posting programs out there.
(The originator of yEnc released several versions of his format along
the way, which are mutually inconsistent.) This results in variations in
the headers to yEnc posts, which means that some newsreaders cannot
decode all yEnc posts. I've noticed for example that Thunderbird has no
problem with posts generated by PowerPost2002, but hiccups unpredictably
with others.

IMO it's this inconsistency that turns off a lot of people. That, and
the fact that Outlook cannot handle yEnc posts. Until yEnc is made an
ISO standard, and/or MS decides to support it, yEnc will be problem.

The compression issue is not a relevant issue anymore, as more and more
people are on broadband anyhow. Besides, the real waster of bandwidth is
spam, not binary posts on usenet.

I've tried NewsRover and other cheap/free newsreaders, and none of them
is even as good as Thunderbird, which IMO is poor second-best to PMNews
(built for OS/2 and never ported to other platforms, unfortunately.)
