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Old 27-10-2007, 05:54 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
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Default Ideal notebook for gardeners?

On 26/10/07 13:08, in article
, "FarmI"
ask@itshall be given wrote:

"Sacha" wrote in message
ask@itshall be given wrote:

"Janet Tweedy" wrote in message
I want to make some spiral bound notebooks

I use A5 notebooks with a bound binding. (These are specifically
because they aren't spiral bound as I've found the spiral bound books
pages too easily) and in addition to these I use an A4 Any Year Diary
when I need to know a date/year of planting out trees, what's in flower
etc). The only thing I haven't done yet and which I need to do, is to
either stick an envelope into the back of one of my notebooks, or create
folder with such envelopes for sticking plant labels into - those plastic
things that can't be pasted into notebook and for which I know I won't
remember the name and for which I don't want to make up a proper metal

I think Janet has corrected herself from spiral binding to wire. I agree
about spiral binding. The pages seem to tear away far too easily. Glad
agree about the little pocket at the back - and now I know you're one of
those people who pinches the labels out of our plant pots, causing the
customer to tell us, indignantly, "this isn't labelled!" ;-)))

Well, I might consider theiving them from your pot plants if given the
opportunity, but I have to plead innocence to theiving them from your pot
plants or any nursery owners. Plants here all seem to come with their own
placcie label. In fact I hate the blasted things because they breed and I
only ever need one.

The ones with pics on are the PBR protected ones usually, though not
exclusively. They get sent to us with the plugs. Otherwise we use
stick-ins for hardy perennials, alpines etc. and tie-ons for shrubs. The
former end up in quite a sprawling collection around the place which has to
be swept up from time to time! People pick them up, look at them and
sometimes literally drop them on the ground, which I find quite peculiar.
Others attempt to stab them back in the pot but miss, so they fall out. I
caught one child walking along a row of plants swapping every label by one
row, so that each was just one 'out' in terms of accuracy. There is no easy
answer. ;-)
Maybe there's a market for someone to design a computer program that allows
people to make a simple, basic plan of what they've planted where and then
label it on the computer. Okay one of you techies - off you go!

South Devon
(remove weeds from address)
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