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Old 17-12-2007, 06:38 AM posted to rec.gardens.edible
Omelet Omelet is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 1,477
Default Anyone try to grow Chia Seeds?

In article
Billy wrote:

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Omelet wrote:

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doofy wrote:

Omelet wrote:

The main Beltane thing is making love in the freshly hoed fields to
promote crop fertility.

It's a Pagan thing. ;-)

I'm horny. Where can I get me a hoe?

coughs Seriously, I was eating some sausage and kraut, and just about


This thread needs to come with a spew warning.


People, people, we need to contain ourselves until spring, which is when
this conversation would become appropriate. OK? So let's pull 'em up,
and hold the thought.

Indeed... snicker
Peace, Om

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