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Old 03-02-2008, 06:09 PM posted to mn.politics,misc.consumers,rec.gardens,misc.invest.stocks,
Billy[_4_] Billy[_4_] is offline
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Default John McCain, liar and liberal punk

In article ,
"Rod Speed" wrote:

Billy wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Don Klipstein wrote
HeyBub wrote
CJT wrote

... and a very good thing that will be, too. Bush and his
clan have wrought enough destruction it'll take two terms
of a Democrat just to get things back close to normal.

If you're not with us, you're on the side of the terrorists.

I hope this is irony or some other class of humor!

Bush II got re-elected by being against the "terrorists" but
has gone through over 7 years, and over 6 of those after "9/11",
without capturing Osama bin Laden either dead or alive!

He has however ensured that there hasnt been
another terrorist obscenity in the US since 9/11

You know, the thing is that a criminal can do pretty
much what they want until they attract attention.

bin Laden had got plenty of attention before 9/11.

No one did anything much about him because no one
expected him to be able to organise something like 9/11.

Once the "heat" starts lookin' at you, it is a whole other
story. Maybe Osama had help with 9/11. maybe not.

Its unlikely that whoever organised it expected the
towers to implode as spectacularly as they did.

Maybe it was just a coincidence that the
neo-cons got just what they were prayin' for.

Yep, thats what happened.

Fact is, Osama ain't theSoviet Union. He don't got no F-16, no tomahawk
missiles, no M1 Abrams tanks, and no freakin aircraft carriers.

And it aint that easy to find someone who chooses to hide out in some cave

Al Quaida is a gang man, a gang. If Bush didn't need a "War on Terror"
to keep the bucks flowin', Osama & CO. would be old news.

Bullshit. He'd be disposed of if they could find him,
just like the others have been killed when they can be.

Never heard of Echelon, huh? Who did Osama work for before he went free
lance, hmmm.

It wasn't until after the USS Cole was attacked that Osama's name came
up, according to the NSA.

Without Osama, the last seven years wouldn't have been possible.

Osama was managed before. He may still be being managed.


Bush, Cheney & Pelosi, Behind Bars