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Old 20-02-2008, 12:11 AM posted to aus.gardens
Terryc Terryc is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2007
Posts: 141
Default How high water head for toilet cistern

Dinsdale Pirana wrote:

You have to do it because you think it is the right thing to do and
with an eye to the future.

Well, actually, it means I can water my veges whenever they need it.

Anyway a reasonable pump with an auto cutout can be bought for between
$160 and $250 so it doesn't add that much to the total cost. and the
electricity it uses to fill your toilet over a day is probably less
than your TV.

You are forgetting all the other costs involved in setup, like plumber
and electrician, especially f you want the piddling rebate.

I am also suspiscious about the cheap pressure pumps around and their
longevity (sp?).