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Old 20-03-2008, 06:34 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha[_3_] Sacha[_3_] is offline
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Default Iris don't flower

On 20/3/08 17:42, in article , "K"

Bob Hobden writes

"Lord0" wrote ...
But it does sound as if
yours are planted too deeply.

Yeah, by now now they must be at least 6 inches or so down. Well I'm
off to dig 'em up!

Thanks for your time

One of my favourite plants.
I doubt they will flower this year either, the roots need a good summer
baking in the sun to flower well the next year, it's just about the only
requirement for these easy to grow plants. Replant them with the root part
facing the sun and make sure nothing shades them, pray for sun too. They are
normally split and replanted a few weeks after finishing flowering, about
every three years, so that is the time to improve the soil with a little
manure etc.
It's not easy in the garden environment to ensure full sun if it's crammed
with plants like ours. That's why we grow our Bearded Iris out on the
allotment now.

Are the OP's bearded iris? The OP described them as purple with (IIRC)
yellow and black spots at the centre. Could they be sibirica? And if so,
are the requirements the same?

He said he thinks it's a bearded Iris.

South Devon
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