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Old 21-04-2008, 04:29 AM posted to rec.gardens
Val Val is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 296
Default do groundhogs eat compost

"Father Haskell" wrote in message
recommending indoor worm bins
so as not to attract vermin. You'll also end up with a
much higher quality compost in 1/4 of the time.

Worm bins rock!

Since moving to a 3rd floor home with now only a balcony garden, compost
bins aren't viable for me. I've had a worm bin under my kitchen sink for
several years and it works like a charm. It was easy and inexpensive to
make, doesn't smell, gives me great top dressing for my plants and 'worm
tea' to mix in the water for plant watering. The only problem I have, even
though my bin is relatively small, is keeping the wigglers fed. Thank
goodness the produce market saves a small stash of organic produce trimmings
for me to collect a few times a week.
