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Old 22-04-2008, 06:41 AM posted to rec.ponds.moderated
~ jan[_3_] ~ jan[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2007
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Default URGENT - Another sick fish

On Mon, 21 Apr 2008 11:26:29 EDT, Pond Addict

I was away, so I haven't caught the fish yet. But, the Tricide-Neo
arrived today. Should I still use that and if so, is that in place of
the salt dip?

Salt dip first, put in aquarium, let it rest a bit. Then clean wound with
H2O2 and use the Tricide-Neo following the directions. You'll need DI
water. I found it easier to make the gallon amount, and have DI water on
hand to rinse fish before and after.

My salt dip info in my Koi Health & Disease book says 50 Tablespoons
to 5 Gal. for a max 7-10 min unless the fish is stressing/flipping
over, then move to quarantine, and repeat every 12 hours for 3 dips
total. Is that what you were thinking?

3% is the amount you're shooting for, usually 5 minutes max. 1 time, to get
any parasites off the fish.

Just went back and look for new info. Recommendation is to scrub the wound
with a salt paste and then rinse with saline. That's if what it has is a
fungus growing on the wound. IMhO, you still need to salt dip, clean wound,
and use the Tricide-Neo. I'm betting that will do the trick, especially
since fish is acting so healthy otherwise.

Keep me posted. ~ jan
Zone 7a, SE Washington State